suffer =)muahahahahahahahaha..
CNY this year was great..played MJ blackjack was always win one lose one win one lose the end..i lost abit..but its alright..once in a while nia..hahahaa..collected quite an okay sum or ang pao lui also..better than last yr..
anyway..recently watched lightning thief..the show quite cute la..worth on my list is wolfman..WHO WANNA WATCH?!
n last night was kinda fun..after skool..went home..bathed..then drove to mrina barage to help out with zetti's photoshoot..will post the link later..then aft shoot..slack there awile..then bout 10 something left..then went to find hannisah at dg area..sent her home to get her stuff..went to pick up mohan..then we went to MALAYSIA!! it was hannisah's 1st time going to malaysia just with her she kinda excited..we went to change money 1st..then drove to denga bay..i've nv been mohan guided us..n we got lost-.- made a wrong somehow we cane back to the same dejavu..haha..then mohan said the funniest thing.."im such a useless malaysian!" then all started laughing..haha..after awhile..we made it there..ate n wash car was good..gonna go there again to try other stuff=) n they got live dj shisha also..n nice food..y not..haha..
aft eating..we went to some place else..somewhere HAPPENING, as wad mohan would have said..haha..then slack at that area while..bout 2 something or 3..we headed back..all got damn tired..sent mohan home..then hannisah slp over at my place..
this morning was BEST..2 alarm clocks..on snooze..n ppl smsing n calling..n both of us still in bed till 11 something..supposed to get to skool at 9 for our end of course briefing..turns out mohan nv go also..haha..then supposed to meet my company ppl got lunch at 1215..n i was late..supposed to meet mohan at 1 at yishun..but was kinda he went 1st..then i reach dg..i tot damn near..cos i dunno i walked around looking looking..then after walking for like 30 min..i found the place..the company ppl gone liao..left mohan n manpreet there waiting..felt after manpreet dropped us off at bishan..i called hwe chee to apologise..then went home..SUPER TIRED..not enough slp n still wal so mych..bathed..n lay on my bed with my com liao..then aft tht saw unnown number called..piced up the fone..turns out its someone from the office..he sounded really pissed..anyway..i went to slp shortly after..that was like 4?
n i jus woe up..itsl ike 2340 liao-.- anyway gonna make dinner soon..super hungry..
n..zetti jus send me this link..super cute..cos shinee cartoon from hello baby..hahahaahahaha..





super cute rite? they did it excatly the same as from the show..super done blogging..wanna go find food liao..=)n heres the link for zetti's photos..
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