had a laser regetta during the last week of skool..so i did not attend skool..nth much to talk about..anyway..i raather talk bout my melbourne trip..
5 june
stayed home to pack..left the hse at 5.30..bro fetched my n my mom to the airport..met my aunts n cousins there..checked in out stuff..then headed for dinner..after that..went in to wait for our flight..walkwalk in there awhile..then boarded the plane..flight there was bout 7 hrs?? reached melbourne in the morning
6 june
stayed home to pack..left the hse at 5.30..bro fetched my n my mom to the airport..met my aunts n cousins there..checked in out stuff..then headed for dinner..after that..went in to wait for our flight..walkwalk in there awhile..then boarded the plane..flight there was bout 7 hrs?? reached melbourne in the morning
6 june
arrived about 6.15am..collected our luggage n stuff..then we all went to find my sis..she rented a van for all of us..she brought us to her place to put all our bulky stuff first..then we headed to buy some groceries..after that..we made our long drive to Mt Buller..on the way there..saw alot of trees passing..then i pictured how i wanted it to look like in my pic..after 20 shots..i got it..kinda happy wif it..it gave me a very lonely feeling..haha..

on the way..stopped at mt buller visitors' center..took afew pics of baby there..some turn out nice..haha..
then we continued our drive to the mountain.. reached the carpark..took a taxi up to our apartment..really really nice apartment..
i thought it would be small..but its not too big n not too small..just nice..big enough for you to do wadeva u wan..but small enough to still have the cosy feeling..so we left our stuff there..then went to walk around the "village"..village as in the small town at where we were staying.. still no snow yet..so we jus walk around..did some grocery shopping..aft checking out the items..jus nice..FIRST SNOW..we all got quite excited..took pics n stuff..then we went bac to our apartment..
cooked dinner..(instant noodles)..then went to watch fireworks..but..cant see anything..cos too misty..then aft tt..went back..talked..planned tml's stuff..then went to slp..
7 june
woke up early wif cousins..hoping to go snowboard as it was snowing the whole night..snow looked kinda thin..
woke up early wif cousins..hoping to go snowboard as it was snowing the whole night..snow looked kinda thin..
but still went to try..reached the rental shop..they said no snowboarding or skiing as not enough snow..so we rented the turbogan thingy..-.- played wif it awhile..then proceeded to make snowman..n snow balls..aft tt..got hungry..so went for lunch..aft lunch..got hungry again..so went to pancakes..
aft tt..went bac..saw wine..so cousins me n my sis drank..then not enough..cos oni 1 bottle..so we went to get 3 more..then in the night fin 2 bottles..another bottle plan to bring bac to sis' place..
8 june
checked out of mt buller..took a long long long drive to phillip island to look at the super cute penguins..then took another long drive bac to melbourne..STARVING..so hed dinner at a chi place near my sis' hse..then went bac.. used com for like few hrs..then went to slp..
9 june
today went walking around in the city..went to DFO..cos 3 shirts at bargains..1 shirt ratail was A$99.90..i bot it for A$20..and another 2 shirts for A$70 for 2..aft tt..went for dinner at some belgium cafe..they had the beer i wanted for a ling time..so i ordered like 2 or 3 different beers..then aft tt went bac to sis' place..watched tv..n fin the last bottle of wine..then went to slp..
10 june
9 june
today went walking around in the city..went to DFO..cos 3 shirts at bargains..1 shirt ratail was A$99.90..i bot it for A$20..and another 2 shirts for A$70 for 2..aft tt..went for dinner at some belgium cafe..they had the beer i wanted for a ling time..so i ordered like 2 or 3 different beers..then aft tt went bac to sis' place..watched tv..n fin the last bottle of wine..then went to slp..
10 june
sis husband sent me n mo to the airport..then met aunts n cousins there..then suddenly one of my aunts asked if i would to stay till sun..i said okay..so we decided to stay till sun..so asked my sis to checked out for us if its possible..
adelaide..checked in a hotel..then went to the market to walk n eat..then sis called about the fiight details..cannot change to sun..but sat can..so we extended 1 day..
aft tt...went bac to the hotel..then went to take the tram to the beach..nice place..had dinner n ice cream there..then went bac..super tired..lol..
11 june
woke up early..went for a tour to some mountain, wild life park, winery n many more..
the mountain summit was great..super nice view..
the wild life park was great too..took some nice pics of the kangaroos there..managed to get great shots as they were free running..can get super close to them..
n that was the end of our tour..they sent us bac to the hotel..then we went to find dinner..went to a chi restarunt..the food there was good..n cheap..then aft tt..went bac to the hotel..then drank 2 bottles of wine wif my cousins..then went to bed..
12 june
took another plane to melbourne..checked in the hotel..then went to victoria market to walk..bot some gifts..then continued walking abit..then we split..so me n my mom went to walkwalk..n i bot myself a windbreaker/raincoat..A$79..quite reasonable..
then went bac to put stuff..then went for dinner at some oyster place..the beef steak was WAH nice!!but ex..then we walked bac..then me n cousins bot some alcohol..aft awhile..sis called ask me go down..so i went down..she bought us 3 dozens of super fresh oysters jus out of the sea..but she din join us.she went home..so we all enjoyed it in the hotel..then drank abit..then slpslpslp..
then went bac to put stuff..then went for dinner at some oyster place..the beef steak was WAH nice!!but ex..then we walked bac..then me n cousins bot some alcohol..aft awhile..sis called ask me go down..so i went down..she bought us 3 dozens of super fresh oysters jus out of the sea..but she din join us.she went home..so we all enjoyed it in the hotel..then drank abit..then slpslpslp..
13 june
last day of trip..morn went to eat breakkie..was the worst smelling food place i've been to..n the worst food i've ever eaten..aft tt..went to walkwalk..then i bought my ipod shufle..A$69..s'pore selling S$78..its jus abit cheaper..but nvm..
aft tt..went bac to the hotel..go our stuff..n went to the airport..checked in luggage..then went in to walkwalk..saw my ipod shuffle again..now cheaper..A$55..-.-..nvm..haha..then time to board..
flight bac was ok..watched 1 documentry n 2 movies..then fell asleep..haha..reached s'pore..bot my DKNY purfume..like finally..n went to DFS for alcohol..how can dun get alcohol right..lol..
then i got an Absolute 100..tehn my aunt suddenly pass to me 2 passports..saying that her daughter n her not buying..so i tot i can get 2 more..but my mom wanted 1 more..so i oni got one more..i got Absolute Pear..then we went out..bro was already waiting..
got home..bathed..got ready..then went to meet shao..watch "i love u man"..teh shw was quite nice..lame but funny..then his friends fetehed me home..
14 june
woke up in the afternoon..bought lunch..smsed py wif she wanna go out..she say ok..so we went to cityhall..then remembered norris nv inform me wad time to meet later..so i called him..meeting at 8..so ok lo..8..i tought can ask py join us..then she suddenly say she got father's day dinner at 7..need leav at 6.30 -.-..so i called norris again..asked if he can meet earlier as in like met NOW..cos py leaving soon..then i dun wan to wai till 8 alone..lucky he said ok..
n i managed to drag py abit..so after she left..norris appeared like 10 mins later..we made our way to clarke quay..went to liang court..wanted to buy my hair wax..on the way there..realised tt his shirt made him look kiddyllthen mayb later cannot drink..so we exchanged clothes..then continued our way to liang court..found the wax..but not the hardness i wanted..managed to get norris to buy..LOL..then we walked bac to central for dinner..then waited for yifeng n kim to arrive..
walked to circular rd there..find pub..the opened 1 martell..fin it at bout 10?lol..then stayed till like 10.30..then took cab..drop kim..then took cab to yifeng's hse..norris n i staying over..
b4 going up..went to eat supper..norris was damn high..lol..then he cant stop talking..i dunno y..lol..yifeng i think also abit high..but he damn quiet..haha..after supper..went up to his hse..bathed..tehn used his laptop..norris was wanna watch xmen..so i go find..by the time i found it he say he wan slp liao-.-so i watched angles n deamons..watched 5 min..got bored..tehn went to slp liao..was bout 1.30 then..
could not really slp cos got no bolster..then bout 4.30?norris woke up..bang the stupid door so hard..i woke up..realised he went to the toilet..so i stole his bolster..n i fell asleep immediately..the he walk in..realised i stole it..then he dun wan let me slp..we end up talking till 5.30..then slp till 1..then went for lunch..then came bac..watch abit of show..use com..talk n use com..then slp..then went bac 7.30..then took bus to toa payo..then mrt home..
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