Monday, April 12, 2010
on the 4th of April..went to marina barrage to fly kite..was rained in the it was super muddy..din manage to fly..haha..then wane to watch "when in rome" at amk hub..nice show..haha..
then met some of the pallada ppl for dinner on 8th of April for tea n dinner..but b4 dinner..went to marina barrage to fly kite this time it flew..haha..after dinner at bugis..some of us went bac to marina barrage..haha..but no more wind liao..then cant was like a farewell to jinghan aka ahboy..cos she leaving for her ship liao..
9th..went bac to skool in the night to help out n the fresnmen orientation..helping the night walk only..cos some of my pallada friends were there..night walk too from 2-6..ended up talking alot of cock with chun..haha..then slept in one of the classrooms..then woke up at 8..met ahboy..pass to her a card that we wrote on..then went to vivo to meet lp unhao n py..was bloody tired..feel asleep while waiting for them..cos i arrived like 1 hour earlier-.- sentosa today was fun..despite being bloody tired n stuff..n no thx to the 3 of them who disturbed me like siao..haha..assholes sia..cha brai la hor..then left about 7..ate dinner at the hawkers'..then bused home..
suppose to go bac to skool today to give my appeal letter..but hor..i haven print the nv go-.- later going to esplanade to watch teddy's performance..
o ya..n also the pass week i went to malaysia 3 times..dunno y also.. i think too bo liao liao la..haha..
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
day 1
met the pallada ppl outside the gangway..we already checked in our luggage today we jus needed to bring ourselves..n wadeva we forgot..haha..for once..everyone was early..except the 2 about 10.30am..we casted off wth the help of 2 tugs..then they escorted us out of the harbour..sailed jus pass siloso beach..then we dropped anchor at somewhere outside of sentosa..where they played songs of the sea..we din do anything much there..we had our 1st meal..wad kinda weird..but still manage to finish..haha..aft that..the captain welcomed us in the tv room..then they brough us to their lil museum.. then it was quite free and the night b4 we slept..jimmy told us our so called "time table".. who to keep watch at wad intervals..i was the 1st=) then we went off to slp..its standard that we have to be in our bunks at 11, and we have to be ready in the morning by 7..
day 2
all of us got readt..did the standard morning exercises n flag raising..then we went for our breakfast..aft that..i went to do my 1st watch keeping..the 3rd officer was incharge then..watchkeeping was easy..steer the ship..take wind bearing n speed..lok at the compass n azimuth..plot the watch was form 8-12..then 12 liao..went for my meal..then the rest went to climb the mast..i wanted to climb too..but they say that after watch i should sleep n i wan not allowed to sian diao while my friends were climbing..i was busy talking to jimmy n taking photos for my friends..after everything..we sat down n chit chat..then the captain set up the mini voleyball i went to was interesting..haha..after that..went to bathe..ate..then we mingles with the russian crew..din really talk much..language barrier too big..haha..played guitar, took pics n sing songs together..soon it was 11..n time to slp..
day 3
same routine in the morning..but i din have watch today..then i realised that after breakfast..we have to do small cleaning..which includes sweeping the the water holes or wadeva u call it..n polish(?) the gold signs..sanding the railings n pulleys..once in the morning after breakfast..n once in the afternoon after in the main mast means my duties are all there..seas were calm..did nth much..played games on the deck..tried to learn a bit of russian..while the russians try to learn abit of english..haha..after was time to climb the mast!! i missed the chance was kinds excited today..climed all the way to the 3rd level..stood at the yard..feeling was shiok..really like flying if u spread ur arms out..feel very free n relaxing..n u cant see anyhting ahead of you..haha..then aft that...jus slacked around..had our meal..did small cleaning..slacked more..then took photos..haha..sunset was always great to see..nv get to see that here in singapore..went for shower..ate n mingled more..
day 4,5,6,7
nth much..very routine actually..did our watches when we need to..did small cleaning..ate..slacked..then had our lessons..learnt the names of the different types of sails n mast..both in english n russian..was fun..haha..then in the night we would mingle more with the russians..
day 8
so week has far all is good..haha..adapting to the food n culture very well.. haha..but we did something different today..the shp stopped..n we did abandon ship drill..not really a drill..they jus sounded the alarm..we gathered..they did a small demo on fire extinguisher..then we jumped off the ship llike fun fair..IT WAS GREAT!!much higher then anyhting i have jumped off from..spend quite alot of time in the finally get to swim..haha..aft that..came bac up..showered..then same as usual..
day 9
after all the lessons n stuff..we finally get to have a hands on to raise the sails n turn the sails..its not that tough..jus team work..haha..
day 10
after so long.. we finally did out laundry..haha..imagine how much we stink..hahahahahahahaha..n we climed up the mast again today..for the last time..=(..but climed up..n this time si hui was with me stahing at the still feels good stnding there..then i saw one of the crew sitting on the i asked if i could..he jus sayd be careful-.- so i sat on it..n it was SCARY!! but nice..haha..sat there awhile..tehn came down..went all the way to the bow sprit..took photos then canr finally hor..after 10 days of asking..we finally get to go there-.- in the evening..we havd a small carnival..s'por against fun..aft that..showered..then they had sort of like a disco night..no1 really danced..but there was this one song were we all danced together wif jing han as the pole n 4 of us dancing to her..LOL..
day 11
SUPER HOT N SLOW DAY wind..flat water..cos there was a typhoon near us..but not in the affected the evening..had tug of war with the russians..they won like DUH..haha..but fun..
day 12
woke up feeling a lil chilly rather than warm..seas were a lil rougher than the last finnally rough seas..then got to know that we were near the seas n wind are rougher..tepm was a bit cooler also..
day 13
woke up seeing something we did not see in the last 12 was cold..but shiok..afew hours after sunrise..we anchored..waited for the pilot..then up anchor..went in to hon kong harbour to anchor was that we could not go on shore today cos we were one day earlier..but in the end we still went to hong kong..din buy much..cos we still needed to go bac to the ship..nightfall..went bac onboard pallada..packed..ate some roasted goose that the lectrer bought..shiok..drank some vodka that my friends smuggles onboard..sleep..
day 14
hong kong again..not climbing the pilot ladder was like easy liao..haha..went to that lady's market today..bought a bag for my mom..a knive for myself..n thats bout it.. nth much i really wanted to buy..night time..went bac to pallada again..out last night at pallada..mingled with the russians as usual..then 11 was lights off..but at randam n hidayah went to find the 3rd officer..4 of us grew quite close..n he invited us to his cabin for the last time..viewed his photos..slept there..then at 6..we sneaked bac to our no one would find out..morning..we havd a small cery ceremony..the captain presented us with certs n a few souveniors..n off we go..bye pallada..but some of the crew came with us..some cried as we really for close to was funny that all of us became close friends in these 2 weeks..upon reaching hong kong..we walked to our accomodations..n we met the 3rd officer for the last time..we had lunch..walked around abit..n sent him to the pier to wait fot the boat to ferry the rusian crews..we waited with them..when it was time to go.we gave out last good byes..n huggs..n suddenly..the 3 of ramdan n hidayah..shed some tears for our dear dear friend parvel..we got so close to him..n so did he..but he left smiling..cos he know that we will see each other aft they left..we went shopping..then in the night went to victoria's peak..REALLY nice view there..went bac..ate supper with jimmy n some of my friends..then join another group to dirnk a bit b4 i went to slp..
day 15
last day in hong kong..went to walkwalk near by..then went bac to get out bags..left at 3..went to the airport..checked in our luggage that took like 1 hour? me n lun went to get a coffee at star bucks whle aft tt..went to walk round the airport..n soon is was time to board the plane..flew bac to s'pore..n i think we were the mst noisy passengers onboard-.- but then we fell asleep..haha..reaached s'pore..1st thing to do..DUTY FREE ALCOHOL..collected friends passports to get more alcohol..then chun needed i passed to him im allowed to get 3 only..then buy liao..say good byes n stuff..then saw cindy cry..tot wad..then found out that her dad passed away jus a few hours ago..
hitched a ride fron hidayah..reached home..unpacked..n sleep..finaly can sleep on my bed.. these 15 days passed so fast..n all of us did not have enough time on board pallada..haha..
few days later we went to cindy's dad's funeral..
many memories were made onboard many souveniors too..excnahged my shirt for one of their work shirts..n exchanged another shirt for part of their uniform..then the 3rd officer gave me 3 pallada pins..very nice pins..n he also gave me his own personla parellel ruler..cos he saw that i love to plot the chart..everytime i was on the bridge..even if its not my watch..i would plot the chart..haha..really touched..n he also gave me ramdan n hidayah a lil note..printed on a cert..with photos of us taken on board the ship..all 3 are different..personallized with our different ics..but all hand written..a shor note saying " I don't say Goodbye, I say SEE YOU LATER!" n i thought it was really sweet that he took his time to do that for us..haha..
overall..teh trip was fun..many fond memories=)
Sunday, February 21, 2010
CITY ALIVE!! sucks..
then sun went coaching..aft that..ray kah hao and zhi wei came over for mahjong blackjack and tai 1st time really playing tai ti..wth-.- but anyway all in all i won bout 20 or 30?
hope this wed got another mahjong session then hope thursday also have..i need more money..
Friday, February 19, 2010
suffer =)muahahahahahahahaha..
CNY this year was great..played MJ blackjack was always win one lose one win one lose the end..i lost abit..but its alright..once in a while nia..hahahaa..collected quite an okay sum or ang pao lui also..better than last yr..
anyway..recently watched lightning thief..the show quite cute la..worth on my list is wolfman..WHO WANNA WATCH?!
n last night was kinda fun..after skool..went home..bathed..then drove to mrina barage to help out with zetti's photoshoot..will post the link later..then aft shoot..slack there awile..then bout 10 something left..then went to find hannisah at dg area..sent her home to get her stuff..went to pick up mohan..then we went to MALAYSIA!! it was hannisah's 1st time going to malaysia just with her she kinda excited..we went to change money 1st..then drove to denga bay..i've nv been mohan guided us..n we got lost-.- made a wrong somehow we cane back to the same dejavu..haha..then mohan said the funniest thing.."im such a useless malaysian!" then all started laughing..haha..after awhile..we made it there..ate n wash car was good..gonna go there again to try other stuff=) n they got live dj shisha also..n nice food..y not..haha..
aft eating..we went to some place else..somewhere HAPPENING, as wad mohan would have said..haha..then slack at that area while..bout 2 something or 3..we headed back..all got damn tired..sent mohan home..then hannisah slp over at my place..
this morning was BEST..2 alarm clocks..on snooze..n ppl smsing n calling..n both of us still in bed till 11 something..supposed to get to skool at 9 for our end of course briefing..turns out mohan nv go also..haha..then supposed to meet my company ppl got lunch at 1215..n i was late..supposed to meet mohan at 1 at yishun..but was kinda he went 1st..then i reach dg..i tot damn near..cos i dunno i walked around looking looking..then after walking for like 30 min..i found the place..the company ppl gone liao..left mohan n manpreet there waiting..felt after manpreet dropped us off at bishan..i called hwe chee to apologise..then went home..SUPER TIRED..not enough slp n still wal so mych..bathed..n lay on my bed with my com liao..then aft tht saw unnown number called..piced up the fone..turns out its someone from the office..he sounded really pissed..anyway..i went to slp shortly after..that was like 4?
n i jus woe up..itsl ike 2340 liao-.- anyway gonna make dinner soon..super hungry..
n..zetti jus send me this link..super cute..cos shinee cartoon from hello baby..hahahaahahaha..

n heres the link for zetti's photos..
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
hope this blog dun die again =)
jason is also having a fever..KOREAN FEVER!! been listening to korean songs lately..thx to friends..haha..not jus stoping at listening..then got to watch the mtv through youtube..then aft tt..found reality shows of popular korean groups like SHINEE..2PM..n more..haha..
n SHINEE is coming to s'pore..jus nice when i found out about so coincidental im going down to the airport to take some photos..hope i can get a good spot to take many many photos..haha..but too bad on sunday cant go to cck to see see the meet-the-fans thing..wanted to take more photos there..but cant..gotta work..haha..
talking about work..thsee few weeks has been good..occupied with work..means more that money if i wanna get that LV..if not i think my mom will disown me..haha..
well im gonna try to study..have a test tml..haven start studying the best to jason for his test =)
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
month long post..
Okay, have not been posting for over a month because my blogger can’t upload pics.. Thought that the problem will resolve but it did not.. Maybe I should change to live journal..haha.. And since I’m bored now, shall jus post a bit.
This month was alright.. Did the usual coaching at sembawang on Sats, sometimes on Suns.. but other than that nth much happened actually..just at home..watching movies-.-
Saturdays are kinda hectic now as I have to go over to NSC in the morning for SP Sailing training, and straight aft that, I have to rush to Sembawang to coach..but its okay..haha..
And since I’m so free on the weekdays, I drop by the club afew times to sail the Laser 2 as RZT wanna re-introduce the Laser 2.. so I’m there to help her out in figuring out the boat, spotting all the things that need to be replaced n stuff.. but sailing it was fun too..always get good wind =)
Also, met up with honey star to buy her lens..finally got her prime lens..haha..then we went to n take some photos..aft tt went to find nicki..send her home..n we went home..
23 September, my secondary school friends celebrated my birthday in advance. Had a small dinner at cine at that Korean/Jap eatery at B1.. alot of “suprise” guest appearance of people I have not seen in a long time.. like yixiang, daniel, baixiang, cheng lian, ivan and clarance.. but the usual bunch was there too, like Alicia, jiaqian, leeping, pei yun n her bf (hope I did not miss out anyone) haha.. after dinner..just sat there talktalk..ate cake..then we took paiyun’s bf’s car to butter fac..only me, leeping, Alicia, Daniel and chang lian went.. then we met Marilyn there..n “partied” together..was kinda fun..considering it was my 1st time to butter drinks till we tried to stock up..but queue was super they treated me 1 flamim lambo..n the music there was nice..stayed there till it closed..then we split to 2 different cabs n got home..
26 September, aft coaching, went home to change and went to meet peiyun, guek hua n guek hua’s bro..they brought me to butter fac to celebrte my birthday..they treated me a bttle of chivas n 2 flaming a kinda high..haha..but fun=)
27 September, joined MMR cause I did not plan anything for my birthday..sailed 2nd place..then when I was receiving my medal..RZT and gang decided to get everyone to sing a birthday song for so ps..but nvm..haha.. aft everything, went to shisha for Jo and pearlyn..stayed there till bout 11 plus?then when leaving, saw gaston.. that ass suppose to celebrate with me on Friday..but could not make stayed n talk for awhile..then left bout 12..then caught last bus home..
1 October, went to pulau ubin with lee ping,cheng lian, Alicia, Daniel and his friends..was kinda did rain abit..but it was alright..hahahaha..aft that..we went to eat at yishun..n mj at my place..but in the of daniel’s friend got a little tipsy..haha..they stayed till bout 2 or 3 something..when my bro go home.. so I sent them bac..but in the end, aft sending cheng lian home, we ended up in jalan kayu for prata..then sent them home..
3 October, aft coaching, went for dinner with weiJEE and RZT..aft tt..headed to Chinese garden to meet Daniel and gang to BURN lanterns..haha..then play play..forgot bout time..did not catch the last took but to jurong east..then we decided where to the end..we went to shisha..then stayed there till bout 3..then walked to Clarke quay..wanted to take night rider..but it took to bloody we ended up taking maxi cab..
5 October, randomly went to ikea with leeping, cheng lian and Daniel..ate dinner there..then took loads of pics there..aft tt..took but home..
Then the next few days went to the gym n went swimming abit..seriously wanna LOSE WEIGHT you know..but no one believes me..LOL..
Also went to the class chalet..met kim before going..was not expecting to stay as was meeting friends at 9 the next day..met most of my class mates..then they ran out of CK gave me money to go home to get my alcohol..n go bac..n I did..played blackjack..won 40 in the end I stayed..left at 6..took cab home..
Anyway..i kinda fell sick during the weekend..coughing n fever n coaching on sat was kinda tough..
Sun was kinda my rest day..but I went with leeping to some fish shops for food for my new pet frog =) aft tt.. went home to SLP..then was woken up by RZT’s call..she wanna go for dinner at north okay lo..weiJEE was there also..then aft dinner..we went for bowling at safra..roselind joined us as her house was there only..haha..
Mon went to giv my blood to the doctor again as the test was cocked up..before tt..went for breakfast..after the blood test..went home..slp awhile..then met RZT at yishun..and proceeded to somerset..met lin and weiJEE there..went to chambers to play Wii..had loads of fun..haha..wanna go again=)
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
HOLIDAYS!! [no pics =( ]
on sat..went to teach my topper was ok..boat still had a little bit of problems..but nvm..anyway i tore off the shelter cos its very irritating..the boat looks great now..from a garbage looking a convertible..LOL..aft class..drove joshua n marcus to north point..then went home for dinner..
sun..coached BSC..9.30-5.30..class was all..5 of then was the same age as me..n 1 was a few years older..they learnt the afternoon they were sailing a proper course liao..but when duin of them forgot bout what they learnt earlier..n broke a new rudder in half..most likely they will have to pay foe the damages..but jus hoping that no payment is needed-.- suposed to end at 5.30..but i wanted to teach them rules end up fin class at 6.30..they cleared up all their doubts also..great bunch of students..but i dun think i will b taking them for their next lesson..cos i have my other classes..
aft class ended..took transport wif joshua to sunplaza for dinner..chit chat awhile..then went home..
mon..went to BBDC wif hannisah n nicki to register for hannisah's driving..then aft tt..went to meet jing han n kim n his gf..then in the end..jing han not we went ot meet kin n his gf..when we reached bugis..they haven we went to sim lim 1st..hannisah n i wanted to go look at camera we went to orient photo to try out lenses..try oni..but not buying there..cos i dun trust that aft tt..went to do her psp..then we went to iluma to find kim n his gf..nicki went home shortly after that..
then we went for dinner..then went to bugis street to get my shorts..n i got it=)
aft tt..hannisah n i went over to kims place to teach him chart work n tides for his test tml..but b4 that..he sent evelyn home me n hannisah sat at the bus stop tryin to pan cars that were driving pass..
then we proceeded to his house..he wanted to bathe me n hannisah looked through his fb..n saw this video.."kumar drag queen part 1,2,3" omg its so funny..haha..then aft tt..taught him till bout 2?then he sent us home..
today..woke up wif afew smses from a few of them was from jing han..ask if i wanted to go ok lo..i got nth on went wif her to clarke quay to return stuff..then walk walk abit..then went to ljs to sit n drink..then walkwalk to china town..n walked there..aft called..asked where i i said i was at china town wif jing han..he asked if wan to go ok lo..nth to do anyway..then after a LONG while..settled for dinner n movie at we went to look for a bus stop..n thx to miss jing han..the bus ride was like 1 hour plus..LOOP the whole s'pore lo-.- then met kim..ate at ajisan..or wadeva u spell it..he treat cos he jus got his pay..then aft tt went to find his gf..then we went to buy movie tix..
then his gf haven he pei her n jing han went to walkwalk at the cathay..then we went to watch the proposal..nice show..very funny..worth the money=)
anyway..aft the another show..its called "kim bullying evelyn" nice show broadcast summore..haha..aft tt..went to take bus..then got on the last bus home..
Saturday, August 15, 2009
another long post

then on wed..i din go skool..too tired then cant wake up..but met norris n kim aft skool at cine..then we went to look at wanna buy one..
aft looking at the bikes..we went back to kim's place..then went to meet yf for his birthday
thurs..woke up..late-.- so hurried to bathe..then we took bus to my hse..i changed..then delayed time again..then set off for skool..reached class..awhile later..lesson end liao..then went for lunch n the usual stuff..
fri night..finally going to drink..yf opening 2 afew of us went..but b4 that..had skool as usual..aft skool..went over to norris's place again..he bathed..then packed his stuff..slacked at his hse awhile..then we went over to my hse..ate dinner..then i bathed..then changed..met py at khatib..then went to meet jing han at clarke quay..then went to find kim they all..drank abit oni..but still it was alright..haha..
aft drinking..norris went to my place to stay over..then on sat..did not coach as there were no we went sailing..taught him heave to, up wind, mob n all that is needed for the level 1 test..everyhting other than the rules..aft sailing..went bac to my place..dinner..then he went ot meet his friends..
sun..national day..went bac to pm in the morning to join the leisure training..n help betram out in conducting the session..aft tt..went got dinner wif the gang at norris yf n betram ate some jap food..the rest went to subway..aft we fin our food..we went to find them..then went to the top of marina square..wanted to see fireworks..but me n norris got we went home..
mon..went to sentosa wif py lp n came awhile later..din really play much today..jus slacked there a whole left early for her driving..then kim left awhile later..then me lp n huiting left bout 5?went bac to yishun to eat..then talk till bout 11..
tues pm lesson..late nice i went they gonna start the test..but wadeva..i still made it..test was alright..cindy treated lunch at sakura..thx=)haha..
wed..late as usual for every lesson-.- had softapp test today..kinda suprise only one section i din know how to do considering that i do not listen in class..LOL..aft the test..went over to CMPB to give my letter with jing han..then went to slack at safra..then kim came to pick us up..went over to town to walkwalk n wait for his gf..then went for dinner..then went home..
thurs was early for class=)okay i was not early..jus that the lecturer came late..then had 1st aid test..was alright..aft tt..went home..TIRED!!
fri..last for lesson again..but when i entered he haven start teaching its ok..skool was abit pointless..classes ended at 1230..went bac at 1330..hate it that skool ends early..but takes me 1 frigign hour to reach reached home bout 1430..used com awhile..then took a nap..woke up at 5 cos of jing han’s sms..watched tv..ate a lil..then went to bathe..came out..saw a miss call from called him bac..
he say meet at 7.30 at ok lo..left hse at 6.50..waited for the fucking bus till 7.25..then late liao lo-.-n not my fault..met him at somewhere near 8..tehn went to find OO n jing han..then waited for mohan..then took off for furama hotel..honeystar having her birthday there..had abit of fun..din really drink alot..cos im not staying..
then something happened that made me n nicki kinda pissed..nvm..all i can say is that u r a fucking slut=) watch tv in their room till bout 2something..watching my fav grey’s anatomy..haha..then took cab home..reach home at bout 3.30..then bathed..slpslpslpslpslpslpslpslpslp..
sat..woke up at 9 cos of nicki’s sms..but nvm..cant slp also..then com till bout 11..then watch tv..Journey to the Center of the Earth..haha..left hse at bout 1230..bro fetched me to work..since i was gonna be early..i brought along my assignment..did oni 1 question-.-
coaching today was the end got strong wing whan heading back..needed to help my own class..then boat cannot turn-.- so i was stranded tt..went home..then met py n huiting for dinner at fish market..its alright la..the grilled fish was ok..fried rice not really nice..prawns was ok also..sotong also..haha..
sun..went to coach at changi..bro fetched mw was ok also..cos a crappy boat that cant go fast..but the kids were alright..aft tt..went homed..
dunno why..but this not really in the mood for classes im not as noisy anymore..n my mood swings are comin bac..sry to those that were affected by it..everything is like affecting my mood n temper n stuff..but it seems like im most affected by you..wadeva that u do..wadeva that you say..hmm..good thing that holidays are starting next week..time fo Jason to take a break=)
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Ok to start off..i remember teaching Norris how to sail on one..sailed from morning to evening..from clubhouse to cause back to club n to seletar n back..he was fortunate to have such good wind that day..n on his 1st day of sailing also..had quite alot of fun..but unfortunately..i spoiled cheng lian’s camera again..have to find some time to return to her n explain to her..its been in my room for about a month..haha..
Bro left for London on 17 july for 10 i got the car for 10 days..spent a total bout 70 on the 10 days..luckily i had the car..cos on 18 n 19..i hd my NCAP Technical and SP Sailing TBC..both clash n same day..luckily i had the car..on sat aft NCAP..rushed down for the camp..then sun morning left camp for NCAP..then during lunch i went bac to camp..sadly i cant stay in 100%..then missed the opportunity to socialize wif my future sailing mates..but can tell that the camp was fun..
And last fri..went down to Svitzer again..then me n mohan went to see the contract..n Hwee Chee explained to us the contract..alls good..planing to sign the contract soon=) aft tt..went to meet py at orchard..went wif her n her sis to ION to buy doughnuts..then her sis went off..
Also..i have been wanting to get a tattoo for was kinda free at home for a few i searched for my Chinese name..always wanted tt inked on after many hours of research..i finally found what i wanted..

Sat i was in sembawang duin topper class..joshua came to accompany me..then we went for dinner..aft tt..sent rozita home..then was quite near mary’s place..n since she still owes me ice cream..we went to west mall for some of my fav UDDERS!!!ate till they closed..then went to her hse to do her the end we switched..i did her compo..she did her project..shortly aft im done..i fell asleep..was already kinda late..haha..then she go wax my leg..i tot it would hurt..but it din..haha..aft tt...i drove home..
Sun..coached at change..jing han accompanied me today=) aft tt..went to change village for dinner..then went home..
Then i started thinking bout my tattoo again..suppose to do in sept wif AJ and Norris..cos AJ n my birthday in sept..but i felt that the longer i waited the more painful it on mon..went to let them see my sketch..confirmed 260 bucks..n on tues(28 july), jing han n Norris went wif me to get my tattoo done=)
Was really nervous n scared..the 1st 2 parts were ok..but was jus i held jing han’s n Norris’ hand very hard..btw thx for letting me squeeze ur hand till they nearly broke the last part was the was on the ribs it hurt alot..but after all of look great..all worth it..haha..

Talking bout sentosa..i miss it alot..i wan go there BVB!!!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
said they were from i was like hmm..ok lo-.- then they came..told me im under quarantined..cos a girl sittilg 2 rows from me got infected wif PORKY i have to stay home to be mom also..but she was not home-.- so stay gave me a "quarantine set" themometer, 2 masks, n 1 log sheet..
have to tame temperature every 8am,2pm n 8pm..untill sun 8am..
so tt means my quarantine period is till sun 8am..lucky its home one lo..not the aloha resort one..anyway..was quite bummed that i cant do gka this week..n coausing rozita some ma fan..
its so boring at all those old movies like jurrasic park and stuff..haha..argh..3 MORE DAYS TO GO..hope i dun die at home-.-